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Jumat, 14 Januari 2011

The Legend Of Jaya Prana

    One day, there was a kingdom. The king of Buleleng. The king had Commander his name is Jaya Prana. Jaya Prana had wife her name is Layon Sari. Layon Sari very beautiful. the King of Buleleng very like and love with her. The King of Buleleng Delegate to called Jaya Prana.
    Jaya Prana agree to hunting.The King Of Buleleng had idea to killed jaya Prana at Forest. The forest name "Teluk Terima". The killer his name is Saong Galing. Finally, Jaya Prana is passed away. Layon Sari confused her husband her husband don't back at home. A pople said to Layon Sari so suicide.
    In this Story we can learn hoe to love someone and sacrified for our be love.

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