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Sabtu, 15 Januari 2011

Love In The Forest

   Once upon a time in a great Castle, a King's daughter grew up happy and contented. She was very pretty, with blue eyes and long black hair. Her skin was delicate and fair and so she was called Cecilia. everyone was quite sure she would become very beautiful. when she search a Butterfly at Forest, she met someone at forest. they was face to face. He was very like with her. 
   He was followed her, Arrived her home. After that she said don,t follow me. And then he stopped and said I love you. Cecilia was like with his. But cecilia very afraid with her father. Because, her father didn'twant to cecilia married with that boy. Her father want to separated them. but her father failed. 
   Finally her father approved their relation ship. And They got married and they have two Children. In this Story we can learn about the love that can't separated by anything and learn about an enternal love.

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